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Italcarrelli brings its marble handling solutions to Marmomac

We will be participating in the prestigious international exhibition dedicated to marble – Marmomac – which will take place in Verona from September 26th to 29th, 2023

This event represents an important opportunity to personally discover our wide range of vehicles for marble and stone handling. At our booth, you will have the opportunity to admire our latest self-propelled transporter, designed specifically to meet the needs of a prominent client.

Come and visit us at Pavilion 4, Stand E2. Our team looks forward to welcoming you at the Verona Fair!

Машины, изготовленные на заказ под ваши бизнес-потребности.

Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы получить консультацию от наших экспертов и найти наиболее подходящее решение.
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