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ITALCARRELLI is capable of designing and managing product logistics within companies, from the production line to the warehouse and all the way to the shipping area.

Thanks to our highly qualified designers, we are able to provide our customers with support for the design of the best logistic solution for the production flow.

All designs are carried out with utmost care to all details and factors, with calculation of cycle schedules, optimizing the personnel inasmuch as possible and ensuring customers the minimum expenditure on machines and equipment.

Tailor-made solutions

Our technical office, with years of experience in technological design, offers consultancy on handling and storing heavy materials.

With qualified engineers, we collaborate with clients for optimal solutions, considering technical and performance requirements, as well as the application field. We serve various industries, customizing conveyors to achieve maximum efficiency. Our engineers handle the entire design cycle, from feasibility study to mechanical, electronic, hydraulic, and software design.

We use 3D CAD, CAE, and FEM Analysis software for multidisciplinary validations, ensuring high performance and reduced maintenance. We also customize vehicle management software for maximum productivity and automate transportation operations in various contexts.



ITALCARRELLI stands out for its cutting-edge technologies, designed to optimize efficiency and safety in material handling and logistics sectors. These technologies include:

Data logger systems
To record multiple data including the user, battery status, collision detection, performance recording (such as time and distance covered) with and without load, the amount of material transported and much more. All data is available to be downloaded and transformed into KPIs.
Automatisms on machines with operator on board: systems that interact with the guide, obstacle detection, loading / unloading of the material to be transported and positioning with high precision.
Automated guided vehicles (AGVs and LGVs)
Without the presence of any operator, they follow a specific route or perform a given task in an automated way. We also develop the software for the execution of the automatic cycles, the system configuration and the interface with the management software.
BES (Battery Exchange System)
BES (Battery Exchange System) a system that allows the automatic replacement of the discharged battery on board ITALCARRELLI machines (both with operator on board and AGVs) in a few minutes, while recharging the discharged ones. Long stops are therefore no longer necessary, significantly increasing vehicle performance.
RDS (Rack Detection System)
RDS (Rack Detection System) is an innovative detection system that allows tracking all information on the load (ie its presence, size control, position and much more) to support the operator in loading. The system consists of laser and ultrasonic sensors and can be installed on both AGV and onboard machines.
WLS (Warehouse Localization System)
A system that allows the scanning of barcodes or RFID with information on the load, the location of the exact position of loading / unloading and sending the information collected to the ERP or WMS, in fully automatic mode. Localization can be performed using various technologies, including RFID TAGs or laser guidance.
Remote assistance
unit installed onboard that allows ITALCARRELLI technical staff to remotely connect to the machines to perform software upgrades, changes to parameters and settings, debugging, and much more.
WMS (Warehouse Management System)
In addition to automated guided vehicles, ITALCARRELLI develops software for warehouse management (WMS) which are necessary for the completely autonomous management of AGVs.
An extendable hydraulic arm for loading and unloading glass packages from containers.
Sicur Lift
A lifting system that ensures a dual safety system, both mechanical and hydraulic.
RICU: Remote Italcarrelli Console Unit
ITALCARRELLI's warehouse management system (WMS) that allows remote control of automatic guided vehicles (AGV).

Research & Development

ITALCARRELLI investe ampiamente nella ricerca e sviluppo per avanzare in tecnologia e competitività.

Il nostro dipartimento R&S, con un team di esperti interni, crea soluzioni innovative e le implementa nell'azienda, come dimostrano i numerosi brevetti depositati. Ci concentriamo su soluzioni di movimentazione avanzate, automazione industriale, veicoli autonomi (AGV e LGV), software di gestione del magazzino, sicurezza e efficienza energetica.

I nostri ingegneri hanno sviluppato molte soluzioni per la sicurezza e l'efficienza energetica, utilizzando diverse motorizzazioni (diesel, GPL, batteria) per massimizzare le prestazioni e ridurre le emissioni.

Industry 4.0

Italcarrelli embraces Industry 4.0 through IoT technology, robotics, AI, virtual reality, and other elements.
We offer compatible solutions for self-propelled transporters, including data recording systems, operator-on-board automation, autonomous vehicles, automatic battery exchange, load detection, warehouse localization, and remote assistance. Our warehouse management software (WMS) supports the complete automation of AGV vehicles.


One of our main objectives is to create value in the territory in which we operate, not only economically but also at a social and environmental level.

We are committed to sustainability for the environment and the people who work with us.

ITALCARRELLI undertakes to limit the impact of its activities and increase the quality of the working environment, as well as the well-being of its team: our products, our headquarters, the procedures followed and the attention to staff are our main focus.

Explore and discover our Case histories

Our case histories are a tangible testimony of our commitment to excellence and innovation. By exploring these success stories, you can see how we have faced unique challenges and overcome specific obstacles in various sectors and contexts.

Custom-made machines tailored to your business needs.

Contact us to receive advice from our experts and find the most suitable solution.
Information, quotes, and support at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +390444623393